Tuesday, 4 May 2010


Raspberries. They are probably one of my favorite fruits (though currants and gooseberries may soon be my favorite). Last year I got 45 plants. And we did not plant them in the best place. We didn't dig the holes very well. As with most things, if you have mass than you tend to not pay as much attention to each individual one. Well, only about 6 survived last year (a lesson learned, and thankfully not TOO costly).

This year I ordered 3 black raspberry and 5 red raspberry. My cousin than brought another 5 or so black raspberries and 8 or so red raspberries. I made a bed for the red raspberries and than my cousin helped me make a bed for the black raspberries. I then recently received from a good friend of mine, 3 yellow raspberries, 4 black raspberries, and several more red raspberry plants. So, I have quite a few raspberry plants this year! Around 15 black raspberry plants, 18 red raspberry plants, and 3 yellow raspberries. So, I hope that next year I should get a small harvest, and the year after an even bigger one.

I was recently doing some research on raspberries. I had wondered about yellow raspberries and purple raspberries. Raspberries like other berries are related to blackberries. The four main cultivators of raspberries are red, black, purple, and yellow. I have not found much information on how they got yellow raspberries from red raspberries, but somehow they did. The yellow raspberries grow quite similar to red ones. Purple raspberries are a cross between red and black raspberries. Purple raspberries tend to grow more like black raspberries. Black raspberries canes tend to be more curved, arched, while red raspberries grow a little more straight.

The other difference found in raspberries is that you have everbearing and summer bearing raspberries. Summer bearing raspberries tend to produce fruit fairly early on in summer, bearing once. While ever bearing raspberries bear fruit a little later and than have a few weeks where the do not bloom, and than they have another harvest. Some everbearing raspberries will continue to produce fruit until a frost.

Raspberries are a great berry to grow!

For more information on them, and where I collected most of the information on them, go to this website. http://ohioline.osu.edu/hyg-fact/1000/1421.html

English Vintner

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