Friday, 22 November 2013


I'm still processing my trip.

Three weeks in a country is enough to learn the culture and lose your heart to it. That's what happened. I loved the people I met, the culture, the country...

I loved to see what God was doing there and it was amazing to see Jesus shinning through in so many moments of the trip.

I took a detailed account of the days, and my thoughts, and hope to put onto electronic form my journal for people to read what my trip was like. 

I'm not ready for America, and I'm not ready for the fast pace. I don't want to check my email or get sucked into facebook. I just want to live with the people I'm around and laugh and dance, and cook and love with them. That's what Honduras was, away from a phone, internet, any earphones, it was an amazing time of being away from all that, and certainly led me to more quiet time to think and write and process.

"This is true love, you think it happens everyday?" -Princess Bride

Much love to all, forgive me if words fail me when you ask about my trip. It's more than you could imagine, you "had to be there" in some sense to fully grasp it.

English Vintner