Saturday, 13 November 2010


We've had frost quite a lot. Starting last Saturday evening we got our first. Sunday our second. Last night our third or fourth, depending on who's counting.

I got my tomatoes, most of them in before the frost. About 80-90pounds total. The vines are dead, the garden is silent.

I would have done more this week except I got struck down with the flu/cold.

Plans to clean it up are for next week, and December. My mom wants me to get around our property looking a little better before we get chickens.

I finally ordered SEA-CROP. I am going to be doing a science experiment with it.

I ordered a book by Philip S. Callahan. I was reading some of the pages from the Look inside section on Amazon. It looks very good. At the end he tells you how to make miniature towers to test out paramagnetism. I can't wait to read it. I also ordered the presents for my brothers birthday.

Well, I guess I will go now.

English Vintner