The smell of brownies is in the house, and the humid air greets me. :) Thankfully a cool breeze is running through the house though.
I just got back from planting 35 sweet basil, a package of beans, and a small plot of baby carrots. I am only planting in the two biggest terraces we made so far. I want to get stuff growing before the weeds sprout.
I divided each terrace in half, and than sectioned the half into different things. This year I am not really adding the terraces into the 4 year rotation, but I hope to have it planned out for next year. In the top terrace in the right half I have an L of corn, and in the space not taken up by the corn I put summer lettuce. I am hoping the corn will grow faster than the lettuce, helping shade it more.
In the left bottom terrace (just below the top one) I divided the half into two sections the long way. And on the west side I did the beans, so that they will not shade what will be on the east half. On the other half I planted 2/3s of baby carrots, and almost a 1/3 of sweet basil. I will do a little bit of something right at the end.
So, thats about it. The tilth of the beds is very nice. We rototilled it very smooth. Most is no courser than a pea, a fair amount marble size, but nothing bigger than a quarter for the most part. Very nice. And the dirt is rich top soil. Deep brown in color, with a small patch of red clay at one end. Quite well drained.
Anyway, better go pick up the kids from the Greenway (a running/walking path near here) and check on the brownies.
English Vintner