Yup I've been busy. Friends came down and life stayed busy. Then Saturday (7/31) my two older brothers came home and my Uncle stayed over until this morning. We've been having tons of fun. But I would say probably a big highlight of last week was talking with my Uncle and two older brothers. We talked about theology, and then some about astrology and about some of the geniuses in the world. We also talked about some of the mysteries of this universe and some of the mysteries in the bible. I also was able to talk to him about his view on foods and stuff like that. He is all into juicers and he has done a lot of research on the Gerson (spelling?) method of cancer treatment. An alternative to conventional methods. Look it up for more on it.
I realized just this last time how much he really knows. He doesn't let on how much he knows, but he has books on astrology and 'anti gravity' stuff, and he has done some massive research. He is so interesting to talk to. I like to listen to what he has to say about lots of things.
Everything was fine in the garden, no corn attacks. Until Saturday night I think it was. Five corn stalks broken down and most of the corn eaten (from those stalks). How do raccoons know that corn tastes good? You know, is it smell?
I picked a lot of stuff Saturday evening. Three huge bunches of basil for drying. Some more small onions and shallots. I am realizing that most of my onions are not going to get a whole lot bigger. So, maybe I will start some sets in a week and try growing my own sets next year. But, I also want to start onions a lot earlier next year too. I think I might get a good amount of leeks and the shallots did really well.
I pulled up a parsnip to see how well they were doing. It was 1 1/4" in diameter at the top and 18" long! Wow! That is one LONG parsnip!
My tomatoes still are not really ripening. Maybe the last few cool nights will help them. I sorta think that it has a lot to do with half sun or something instead of full sun. I think next year I will do squash or cucurbit on the fence next time instead of tomatoes. (besides the fact I am doing crop rotation)
My wheat is a few inches tall. My cover crop is growing too.
I harvested a cabbage Saturday it was about the size of my fist. We actually used it today for supper. My Kale and Brussels Sprouts haven't sprouted. We got a whole bunch of rain and the rain sorta filled in the row where I planted them. I may have to replant.
My peas are coming up too. The deer seem to have not respect for my garden. They trample it it seems about every single night!?! Stinkin' deer! They trample the ground where I plant things and eat the things that come up. :) I am hoping when my cousin is here we can put up some fishing line around the beds. It is suppose to spook them when they bump into it.
Well, I could keep writing. Its been a while, I apologize. But my computer says 14 minutes and too soon it will be gone.
So, keep up the gardening!
English Vintner