Monday, 23 August 2010


We had fun camping out Friday night at Stonemoutain State Park. About 2 hours north from here.

We finally left at 3:45pm, got to the camp a little before 6pm.

Most people set up both tents while I set about making the fire. Because it was a state park, and the campsites were so close together, they didn't really have any firewood to gather. You are suppose to buy it. Or, if you live in NC you can bring your own. So I brought stuff that we have been seasoning for the last 4.5 years. :) Probably 25 pieces. Enough to have a good bed of coals to cook over Friday, and then have something to cook over Saturday morning, and then more after breakfast. We ended up leaving actually 4-5 pieces of wood, for the next person.

We saw plenty of deer while at the park. 7 on our way in, and then another 5 while at the camp, and then some here and there.

After breakfast, before lunch time we went to a hiking trail. Hiked what I would guess to be about 3/4 of a mile (though not really sure) to the Hutchison Homestead. It was pretty cool, especially since I'm kinda into that. It had a sign that talked about each building. The house, garden, corn crib, black smith forge, shed, and barn. Talked about what they actually did in the barn and the importance of it, often times it was built before the house was. The corn cribs were as skinny and tall as possible to keep the corn dried out well. The garden, they had a few main crops and then had a few side ones. Not like us now, who have access to seeds from anywhere, to anything. Imagine, growing gathering seed, that was an important part of living on a homestead. Leaving some of the onions over till next year to spring up and form seed etc. Four genarations have lived in the house. Since 1850s. It is no longer in use now, but as a historical element. Mr.s Hutchison was a good healer and would visit around the county with her herbal remedies. Her favorite herbs were: ginseng, and two other herbs, that I didn't know, so I can't remember, though they had common names. It wasn't like the herb was thryableial or something. :) I also saw the spring house (wasn't much to look at, the creek that ran through the property is about the same size as ours. It is wider in places, but shallower in places. I am assuming that it was a bit bigger 150 years ago. They also had the wash tub for washing down by the creek. In the cellar of the house they have cans of things that were from the first generation.

Then, we went to another hiking trail that was .6 miles to a waterfall. The waterfall was on the top of a mountain. Stone mountain is on the top of the moutain. On top of the moutain is a huge giant granite 'hill'. Hence the name, stone mountain. It is probably 500ft up at least. And a big dome shape. The waterfall is coming down the stone. The waterfall we saw the waterfall water was only about 6ft wide in most places and maybe a foot deep. Until you come to the drop off. At the drop off it is about an 80º angle I would guess for the most part, with a few out juttings. And it falls 200-300ft down until it hits the bottom and makes a very COLD pool and then flows off down the river. We went down via stairs to the bottom and played around in the water and looked up at the waterfall. If you started sliding their isn't much you can do. Though, I did put myself in the situation and try and think what I would do to try and save the person, if I could. I like to put myself in situations like those, so, that if it does happen I have already gone through it in my head. I guess you would say I'm trying to stay at the ready, reflexes.....

We got back to our campsite, packed up, ate lunch. Then it was about 1:30pm when we finally got out of the camp site. On our way down we stopped by a small winery and cidery. It was very cool for me. They have 15 acres, and I think 5 are planted on. They have chardonnay that was planted 04'. Some nice looking grapes, that are ready to be harvested soon. It was just fun to see a small winery like that, the dream that I have. The guy who gave us a tour of the winery, showed us the equipment they had out side for pressing and storing the grapes. And then inside the winery, the wines they had in big bins, finished bottles, how to label a wine bottle, and how to put on the top casing.

This week is suppose to cool down a bit, getting down into the low 60ºs. First time since the first of July!

English Vintner