Saturday, 18 September 2010

Well well well

Its been a while, I know. But life has been busy. In fact, so busy I've hardly had time for gardening.

If I wasn't working on school the last three weeks I was busy researching. I have recently been introduced to ORMUS, White Powder Gold, Magnetic Water Traps, and Sea Crop, and the like.

Most of that has only been rediscovered in the last 50 years. So the research on it is quite recent. Besides that research I have been looking at a website that has thousands of inventions, mostly the ones that people would not take. They had a whole bunch of cool ones on agriculture. One man has made a machine that will play different tunes to a plant, and he now knows what tunes will make it grow as if it has fertilizer.

IF you are interested in any of this let me know and I can send some links of stuff over. I'd be happy to talk through email about some of the stuff if you want to talk to someone who is interested in the same stuff.

So yeah. Chemistry has been hard, mostly the math part. I enjoy math, if I can understand it. I would not say it is my strongest point, but I can do it better than some. I love science, or else I wouldn't spend hours at a time looking up stuff like the stuff I do, or wanting to know, Why do you put egg in a recipe? Is it to bind the ingredients together, make it rise, or both? So, I have a tendency to want to know why and how things work, get to the bottom. I am not satisfied with just knowing that it works, but want to know why.

I think in a few weeks things will settle down a little bit more than now. I guess the other reason life was so busy was Londa, Jedidiah, I all had fair booths at our County Fair. Agribusiness. I was doing NC viticulture, Londa did Blueberries, and Jedidiah did Cotton. You set up your booth, they are judged (we didn't win any prizes, though most people thought I should have gotten second or third, the judging is just really good. IF the kids who set up the booths could judge and decide on one that was not thier own, I am sure mine would have been in the second or third, everyone loved it) But oh well. So the next week we come in and have to teach 6 classes a day. To classes that are ranging from 20 people if they are public schooled, to 12-15 kids if they are christian schooled. And on the first day homechoolers came. BUt so few came that they made each family a group, or class. So my two homeschooler classes were 2 kids and than 3 kids.

I had christian schools and homeschoolers the first day. I didn't realize that I had christian schoolers. It explained the next day why the teachers on the first day were so much nicer, more interactive, more responsible of the students. I mean, a christian school education is a good jump from public school! But you could tell the homeschoolers. :) With both the classes I picked up the homeschoolers early, and so I had about 20 whole minutes to talk. So I went into much more detail, didn't have to strain my voice. : ) And enjoyed those classes, those classes probably made it worth it. Plus the $85 because I participated in it.

Garden? Well, weeds are high. But, the thing is, the weeds are not high in the raised beds, they are just high in the paths and such and in the strawberry bed. I tell you, digging a deep bed really makes for a pretty much weed free bed. I didn't dig out the strawberry bed, Maybe I'll do that this winter. The creek is drying up. And no rain for the next 2 weeks. I am hoping my garden will make it, with no water. I guess if I get desperate cutting a whole bunch of polkberry stems might help. I could also work on a dew collector... : ) I planted fava beans Wednesday I think it was. I'll let them over winter and hopefully get a nice good spring crop of them.

I am hoping to build a magnetic water trap soon so I can start watering my plants with it, so that they will survive drought and frost. I am also hoping to buy some Sea Crop. Sea Crop is probably the best mineral supplement out their for your garden. From Sea Crop's website you can buy 1 gallon for $59, however you dilute that to 2% to 4%. So it should last a while. I'll leave you now. I'm sorry I am not as organized as most of the time.

Oh, I just bought two books of Amazon! One book by Philip S Callahan Paramagnetism, and Carrots Love TOmatoes. After reading through parts of Carrots love Tomatoes at my Aunts I knew I had to get it. And after reading through parts of Paramagnetics online I knew I had to get it also! So, I am looking forward to the arrival of them.

Here is the link to Sea Crop. If you want to learn more of what it can do click on all the headings on the left and it should show you results of things they have test grown with it, lemons, walnuts, and other veggies.

English Vintner