Sunday, 18 April 2010


I hit a deer on the way home from church. It is amazing how fast it takes for something like that to happen. Before you can even think about the situation it is over. It took about 3 seconds from the time I saw it, hit it, and stopped.

Anyway, to lighter topics. I am planning on making a light beer for the summer months when I am working hard in the heat. :) Looking at an American Cream Ale or an Irish Light Ale. Not sure what kind of yeast I want to use, but want to do that in the next month.

Bees. For lunch we had a friend over from church. I showed him my garden and we talked about gardening and grapes and fruit. I mentioned that I was planning on doing bees this year. And he asked if I wanted to do one for him. He would buy the hive and bees and I would keep them, he would get the honey. I thought that sounded great. He also suggested that we get a third hive and sell the honey from that one and turn the money back into the bees. So, I will be doing some researching bringing up numbers and stuff and doing some email and will call him up probably tomorrow and talk about it. The initial investment for doing three hives, one for each of us and split the third would be around $300-$400 each. But, I have already spent the money for one hive, my hive, all I need are the bees. So for me it would only cost me around $200 more or so. For him it would cost him a bit more since he would be buying the hive instead of making it. I am willing to do it, but I am praying about it and am looking at numbers. I actually might be able to make more hive parts than I thought I could since the bees will ship in mid May. But we need to order soon, which means an up front price for the bees of about $350 total. $160 each and split the third.

Anyway, its rather complex right now, but is in good hands. I have a busy week ahead of me, and my cousin comes on Wednesday! The joys of homeschooling is the liberty to pursue your interests while doing school. :)

English Vintner

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