Thursday, 30 September 2010
Ahh...wonderful comfrey, where would the organic gardener be without it? (I'm not really sure)
Comfrey is from the borage family, and grows very strong. A plant being as strong as it is you would think to spread easily, but it doesn't. If you plant one clump, it will not expand much. That is not to say that it is not propagated easily, on the contrary. Almost any little rootlet will sprout comfrey! So, beware when propagating that you watch where every rootlet falls, or you might have comfrey where you don't want it.
Comfrey has been used as a medicine at least in humans for years and years. But, recent research has shown that there is an alkaloid (I think it is, could be wrong) that is not good, and that it should not be taken internally. The link I will post at the end will have you believe in internal ingestion of comfrey tea. It does wonders for you, I have no doubt, but I wonder if there are any side affects from that, alkaloid. The article was published in '74, so I am not sure how the author thinks of it now.
I will probably be feeding comfrey to my chickens this spring. And, after reading the article I will be propagating comfrey this fall!!!! I would like to set a whole bed of it up (4x10ft).
Comfrey is great for the compost as an activator. You can make a 'tea' with it. Take the leaves, and put them in a bucket, and put a lid on it. As the comfrey decomposes it will turn into a liquid. Dark and rich!
Comfrey is great to lay down where you will be planting something that will need fertilizer for a good long while. It will provide it. Great for potatoes! It is rich in Phosphorus.
Do your own research on it, and determine for yourselves wether or not to use it internally for healing all sorts of ailments. It's probably better than most of the junk you get at the hospital anyway.
English Vintner
P.S. If you have not been on the Whizbang site before, please take a moment and check it out. I really like the guy. A christian, and an inventor. He has his own homestead buy likes to make things the most efficient. Like whizbang apple cider grinder and press and such! This leads to his cider page, click on other links to read about gardening, chicken ranging and other categories.
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
Apple Grinder/Press
This photo is a picture of what my apple grinder will look like.
Well, apple picking went well. We didn't really pick apples, because we bought seconds for a good price. 21 bushels for $60. We then went to Stepp Orchard and bought some bags of Jonagold (cheaper than picking) and some sweet potatoes.
So, now we have lots of apples. I finally figured out what store will sell the disposals. Restore.
I will try and make that my project this week. To get the grinder almost all the way finished. If I work hard and have everything I could probably put it all together in 10 hours. We will see.
Well, talk to you later. We had rain all day today. Slow and steady, great for the soil.
Here is a link to where I am building my design from. I bought the book he sells. I've read a lot of his articles, all the ones on cider, and quite a lot on a few other things. I like him a lot.
English Vintner
Tuesday, 28 September 2010
Fava Beans
Well, I don't often do two posts in one day. But I'll be gone tomorrow, apple picking.
A fava bean is another term for broad bean. Broad beans overwinter well, and give you a nice early spring crop before hot weather comes, which they hate.
My fava beans have finally sprouted and are coming up, they are sturdy little things coming out of those honkin' beans! Broad beans are quite big. They are used for flour, and my cousin puts them in soup. I will probably cook with them in soups and such. I learned my lesson last year, I tried starting them in march, but I soaked them way to long and they rotted, only 2 plants made it and were covered in aphids.
If you haven't ever grown broad beans, please consider growing a dozen or so. Plant them now, for an early spring crop. If you live in a cooler climate, you might be able to get some if you plant them in early spring (just not too early).
We are going apple picking tomorrow, up at 5:45 to leave at 7:30!
So long!
English Vintner
Leeks and Chickens
Leeks. I really enjoy leeks. I was first introduced to them probably 6 of 7 years ago. When my older brother Josiah was really into Redwall and cooking recipes that he found on the internet that were 'Redwall'. That was before Brian Jacques came out with his own recipe book for the Redwall recipes. Before than you could go on the internet and find all sorts of recipes labeled 'Redwall'.
Well, it was a dark night I remember, it was cozy in the house. It was sometime in the Autumn/Winter. We had a guest over, Miss Shelly (Joiner) as we called her. And that night Josiah made some bread and Leek Soup. That was the first I had tasted leeks. I liked the soup, but found it hard to believe that I liked it since the main ingredient, leek, was sorta like an onion.
Since than we have had leeks a few times, but not really more often than once or twice a year. Usually to make a British or Redwall recipe, usually called upon by Josiah.
Leeks are a member of the onion family. John Seymour, author of Self Sufficient Life and how to Live it, and several other books says that if you are only going to grow one member of the onion family, leeks are the thing to grow. It is used as the Welsh national emblem.
Leeks are a bit milder than onions. The stem, or bulb that you eat is tubular, long, usually from 7-12 inches and from 1/2" to 1 1/2" thick.
I do not know of something that bothers leeks, pest or disease. I grew some this year, a small patch, but plan to do more next year, if room allows.
I am selling a few leeks to a friend of mine, along with a couple of peppers and a cucumber. That is partly why I thought to write on the topic.
Chickens. I like chickens. I like eggs. I like chicken manure. All these are good reasons to get chickens, for my part. I am planning at this point to get 8 hens this Spring. Right now I am working on a design. I would like free range chickens, but don't have the space. So, what I will probably be looking at doing is having a moveable chicken coop, with some space around it for the chickens. Than, I would like to see about having the chickens graze on part of my garden beds. What I am thinking about doing is getting 4-5ft high chicken wire, and than posting that around one of my beds and having the chickens range in that one day, and than move it to a different part of the garden. Of course, when everything is full grown, I will have to figure out a few different things. I do have some space opposite the garden, a 'field' on a slope, 50x60ft. With 3ft tall grass. Maybe I could graze them on that too.
I am looking probably getting free range breed hens, so that they are hardy enough. I am going to have plenty of predators though, so the coop will have to be rodent proof. I know for certain that I have possums, coons, and occasionally neighbor dogs. I have snakes, snakes? Hmm.... Also owls, and night birds. During the day I have hawks.
What I will probably have to do is have the chicken coop and a little yard space. And than have another cage, that is 7ft wide, by 12 ft or something. I'm still figuring out stuff. If you have had chickens and have advice, I am glad to hear it.
We are going apple picking tomorrow!
English Vintner
Monday, 27 September 2010
I really like shallots. They are small little onions in the shape of garlic and very pretty color. The ones I planted have a deep purple outer skin underneath the dry outside skin. The taste is of a mild onion, and most people think of them as being a little more gourmet. I guess because, why not grow or use an onion rather than a shallot?
A lot of people grow them from the small bulb, starting in the Fall. If you are growing from seed you can start in the fall, but earlier than the planting of the bulb. You can grow them fine from seed if you have a long enough growing season. If you can grow onions, you can grow these. I harvested mine in July, and I started them in March/April.
They like good soil, like onions, and lots of nitrogen. For longer storage cure them for several days before bringing inside. I found the inside of my greenhouse to be pretty good. I than put them, about 1 pound per paper bag and have them on a shelf in the basement. The best place is a cool dry area with good air circulation.
English Vintner
Sunday, 26 September 2010
Taking a short break from other things, and talk a short bit about the garden.
I finally got around to planting some lettuce. Seeds from two romaine lettuce heads that sprouted this spring, it was probably the last ones to bolt, so it was some of the better ones to save seed from. I planted thickly, sprinkling on an area 3ft by 3ft. I did two areas. On the one area I cut up comfrey and sprinkled it on.
It rained today, so I am hoping they germinate well, along with the cooler weather this week.
My peas are finally bearing pods. Picked a dozen today. The pole beans in one area are slowing down. The others farther down, probably getting more moisture are doing well. I am selecting the straight long ones for seed. I have saved out a dozen or two so far.
Some of my brassica are trying to be eaten by worms...
It is about time to plant shallots and garlic. I will probably plant garlic up by the fence, where it is drier, and closer to the deer. The deer don't like garlic, so it is better to have it closer to the fence where they well come. I really like shallots. The ones I grew were so pretty. A deep purple color. They are easier to grow than onions because they don't get as big. :) I'll probably grow some more from seed in the spring, and grow some from bulbs this fall.
The weeds are finally dying down. I will feel motivated to do a lot to the garden with the cooler and dryer weather. And when the weeds die down...
The greenhouse is in need of repair. It's gonna cost me $100 for the roof. The cost of the plastic is $70, plus $25 dollars shipping. I guess 4m plastic is fairly heavy...
Anyway, gotta work, see ya!
English Vintner
I finally got around to planting some lettuce. Seeds from two romaine lettuce heads that sprouted this spring, it was probably the last ones to bolt, so it was some of the better ones to save seed from. I planted thickly, sprinkling on an area 3ft by 3ft. I did two areas. On the one area I cut up comfrey and sprinkled it on.
It rained today, so I am hoping they germinate well, along with the cooler weather this week.
My peas are finally bearing pods. Picked a dozen today. The pole beans in one area are slowing down. The others farther down, probably getting more moisture are doing well. I am selecting the straight long ones for seed. I have saved out a dozen or two so far.
Some of my brassica are trying to be eaten by worms...
It is about time to plant shallots and garlic. I will probably plant garlic up by the fence, where it is drier, and closer to the deer. The deer don't like garlic, so it is better to have it closer to the fence where they well come. I really like shallots. The ones I grew were so pretty. A deep purple color. They are easier to grow than onions because they don't get as big. :) I'll probably grow some more from seed in the spring, and grow some from bulbs this fall.
The weeds are finally dying down. I will feel motivated to do a lot to the garden with the cooler and dryer weather. And when the weeds die down...
The greenhouse is in need of repair. It's gonna cost me $100 for the roof. The cost of the plastic is $70, plus $25 dollars shipping. I guess 4m plastic is fairly heavy...
Anyway, gotta work, see ya!
English Vintner
Saturday, 25 September 2010
Natural Gardening
Here it is, spelling and all that checked by my dad. So, here is a more refined version of Organic Gardening, put down in better structure than before (I've mentioned here and there about it, but never really sat down on it)
Organic Gardening/Farming
Why should farmers and gardeners grow things ‘organic’ or more natural? On this issue you might say I side more with the ‘liberals’ than the ‘conservatives’. However, do not put me on the far left, for I do not belong on the far left. You might say I am a little left of the center. So, my point of view will be more to the left than right, because that is what I believe to be the best. I will not be citing anything directly, though through the last eight months of research I can remember a lot that I will be putting down here.
I think one of the first reasons most people should consider natural (I prefer that to organic, because organic is not always in line with how I will consider growing the way the ancients did) growing is the fact that you can get up to seven times more for the space! I think that alone should make most people reconsider how they are growing things.
The second reason is this. Why do we need to poison our land and ourselves to grow things? I mean, how do you think people grew things 200 years ago, in the start of America? Or, for that matter, how do you think Cain gardened? There is no need to be putting toxic chemicals into our land to produce 1/7 of the food we could be growing. I mean, seriously! Gardening solely on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium using poison to kill insects, diseases, and plants has only been used in the last 100 years. Why, after 6000 years do we feel the need to poison the earth so to speak, when we could be doing a much better job?
Have you ever wondered how a plant grown again and again on one plot of soil can produce so many vitamins out of just nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium? Well, the fact is, it can’t very well. This could be another serious thing farmers need to think about. The food you are growing, is it as healthy for you, has as many vitamins and nutrients in it for you as it used to? The fact is, with our agriculture we are eating food that is no longer getting us the things we need. The nutrient level of crops grown naturally (using Sea Crop, paramagnetism, and good organic soil) is much higher than that grown on poisoned land with chemical fertilizer.
Agriculture today spends a lot of money on poison, and fertilizer. If you were to grow naturally you could cut poison out completely (you might have some instances when you might have to spray with something, but the alternatives to poison are MUCH better), and fertilizer almost out completely. You could grow a crop during the summer, and get in two green manure crops during the winter and spring. You could grow rye and vetch during the fall/winter, and than another fast growing spring crop. This would not only add all the nitrogen your plant would need (along with many other things found within the plant matter), but also add organic matter to your soil. Did you know that soil with a high level of organic matter holds water WAY better than other soil? Growing naturally would cut down your costs on poison to zero, your fertilizer to almost nothing, and your water could probably be cut in half.
It is sad for me to see the way we do agriculture. We could do it so much better (like most things in life in a fallen world, with fallen men) than we do. The amount of research on agriculture is fascinating to me. Someone has come up with a weed killer, using boiling water. It is a holding tank that keeps the water right at about 200F. It is on a truck and has several hoses leading off of it. It kills the weeds better than most poison, and does it instantly. If counties and states would use this to spray around electrical boxes and along side walks where they are trying to keep the grass down, it would cut the cost down a LOT!
Someone has done research with SEA CROP. It is concentrated nutrients off the coast of Washington. It increases plant growth and it makes the plants hardier to drought and freezing. Someone had some lettuce and greens. He sprayed it with SEA CROP. During the winter it froze, and in the spring time, unfroze and started growing!
A lot of the research with SEA CROP is in conjunction with ORMUS water. From a magnetic water trap.
Paramagnetism is Nature’s secret force to growth. The Irish monks of old were using it to garden, the Japanese have been using it, volcano ash and soil has TONS of it. You can actually test out this theory if you are doubtful of it.
Take two pots. Fill both with potting soil from the same bag. Sow radish seeds in both of them, the same amount. Now, in one put a paramagnetic stone, and in the other don’t put anything. Water them exactly the same. After 8 days, pull them both up by the roots and see the difference!
To get paramagnetic rocks you must find a place that sells rocks of some sort, hobby store, landscaping supplier? Rocks that are strongly paramagnetic include the following: Magnetite, Hematite, Basalt, Shale, Red Sandstone and White Granite, to name a few.
I believe that America has a chance at changing, and we just might be able to do it. If you do any research into how ancient civilizations did farming you will see a common thread. They didn’t use poison! :) The fact is, changing old habits is not an easy thing to do, so it is up to the coming farmers to decide if they will go with the big corporations, will they go what seems the easiest at hand or will they go with the smaller farmers, who are testing out growing naturally, not using poison, and getting good results? It is up to you and me to spread the word, natural growing.
I hope you enjoyed that. I still would like to write another essay on sorta how to do it. I've told you the method, but I would like to write one kinda on doing it.
English Vintner
Organic Gardening/Farming
Why should farmers and gardeners grow things ‘organic’ or more natural? On this issue you might say I side more with the ‘liberals’ than the ‘conservatives’. However, do not put me on the far left, for I do not belong on the far left. You might say I am a little left of the center. So, my point of view will be more to the left than right, because that is what I believe to be the best. I will not be citing anything directly, though through the last eight months of research I can remember a lot that I will be putting down here.
I think one of the first reasons most people should consider natural (I prefer that to organic, because organic is not always in line with how I will consider growing the way the ancients did) growing is the fact that you can get up to seven times more for the space! I think that alone should make most people reconsider how they are growing things.
The second reason is this. Why do we need to poison our land and ourselves to grow things? I mean, how do you think people grew things 200 years ago, in the start of America? Or, for that matter, how do you think Cain gardened? There is no need to be putting toxic chemicals into our land to produce 1/7 of the food we could be growing. I mean, seriously! Gardening solely on nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium using poison to kill insects, diseases, and plants has only been used in the last 100 years. Why, after 6000 years do we feel the need to poison the earth so to speak, when we could be doing a much better job?
Have you ever wondered how a plant grown again and again on one plot of soil can produce so many vitamins out of just nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium? Well, the fact is, it can’t very well. This could be another serious thing farmers need to think about. The food you are growing, is it as healthy for you, has as many vitamins and nutrients in it for you as it used to? The fact is, with our agriculture we are eating food that is no longer getting us the things we need. The nutrient level of crops grown naturally (using Sea Crop, paramagnetism, and good organic soil) is much higher than that grown on poisoned land with chemical fertilizer.
Agriculture today spends a lot of money on poison, and fertilizer. If you were to grow naturally you could cut poison out completely (you might have some instances when you might have to spray with something, but the alternatives to poison are MUCH better), and fertilizer almost out completely. You could grow a crop during the summer, and get in two green manure crops during the winter and spring. You could grow rye and vetch during the fall/winter, and than another fast growing spring crop. This would not only add all the nitrogen your plant would need (along with many other things found within the plant matter), but also add organic matter to your soil. Did you know that soil with a high level of organic matter holds water WAY better than other soil? Growing naturally would cut down your costs on poison to zero, your fertilizer to almost nothing, and your water could probably be cut in half.
It is sad for me to see the way we do agriculture. We could do it so much better (like most things in life in a fallen world, with fallen men) than we do. The amount of research on agriculture is fascinating to me. Someone has come up with a weed killer, using boiling water. It is a holding tank that keeps the water right at about 200F. It is on a truck and has several hoses leading off of it. It kills the weeds better than most poison, and does it instantly. If counties and states would use this to spray around electrical boxes and along side walks where they are trying to keep the grass down, it would cut the cost down a LOT!
Someone has done research with SEA CROP. It is concentrated nutrients off the coast of Washington. It increases plant growth and it makes the plants hardier to drought and freezing. Someone had some lettuce and greens. He sprayed it with SEA CROP. During the winter it froze, and in the spring time, unfroze and started growing!
A lot of the research with SEA CROP is in conjunction with ORMUS water. From a magnetic water trap.
Paramagnetism is Nature’s secret force to growth. The Irish monks of old were using it to garden, the Japanese have been using it, volcano ash and soil has TONS of it. You can actually test out this theory if you are doubtful of it.
Take two pots. Fill both with potting soil from the same bag. Sow radish seeds in both of them, the same amount. Now, in one put a paramagnetic stone, and in the other don’t put anything. Water them exactly the same. After 8 days, pull them both up by the roots and see the difference!
To get paramagnetic rocks you must find a place that sells rocks of some sort, hobby store, landscaping supplier? Rocks that are strongly paramagnetic include the following: Magnetite, Hematite, Basalt, Shale, Red Sandstone and White Granite, to name a few.
I believe that America has a chance at changing, and we just might be able to do it. If you do any research into how ancient civilizations did farming you will see a common thread. They didn’t use poison! :) The fact is, changing old habits is not an easy thing to do, so it is up to the coming farmers to decide if they will go with the big corporations, will they go what seems the easiest at hand or will they go with the smaller farmers, who are testing out growing naturally, not using poison, and getting good results? It is up to you and me to spread the word, natural growing.
I hope you enjoyed that. I still would like to write another essay on sorta how to do it. I've told you the method, but I would like to write one kinda on doing it.
English Vintner
Friday, 24 September 2010
High Fructose Corn Syrup
It is amazing what money will do for you. It corrupts you.
I was talking to a friend and he said he heard about one of the big food companies asked this guy to do tests on HFcorn syrup. So he did. Unfortunately the tests were not in their favor, so I think they asked him to come up with one in their favor, since he wouldn't, they fired him and got someone else to do it.
When the big companies put out reports you have to be extremely cautious in believing them. They get the reports from the people they want and have it written the way they want. They have the power and the money. The other side is not working for a big company and so is a lot more likely to contain the truth about things. Though, don't believe one thing you read, but get confirmation from it from other websites. I generally don't take something as being true unless I look it up and get 3 other websites or places to agree with it.
High Fructose Corn Syrup recently put out an article (well, they didn't, but someone high up) that they were changing the name. Because of all the bad conitations it has. Well, hopefully most people are not reading the labels and since it doesn't say HFC syrup, they will buy it, or so they hope. The pressure from the people has made a lot of the big companies come out with HFCS FREE products, ketchup, and lots of other things. I am hoping that now that some companies are changing names, that they will not go back to using HFCS and call it Corn Sugar.
Some companies it is now legal (you gotta find some way under the fence, right!) to call it corn sugar. So, be on the look out for things that have Corn Sugar as some of the companies will be switching.
What is wrong with HFCS? First off, it could have mercury. And mercury poisoning is not good, though I would believe that a LOT of americans have it. Did you know, we are just about the only place that uses it? It is because america grows the corn. Go back to the pilgrims, we were growing the corn the most over other countries. So we use it. Coca Cola in other countries uses sugar, but because HFCS is so cheap they use it here. Some of the ways to make HFCS is altering it using mercury. Not always, but there is no way to tell which ones have mercury and which don't.
The second reason. Fructose. I have become convinced, due to reading, that fructose is not good. Unfortunately a lot of people switch to Agave nectar because it is 'natural'. Well, its not really. It's basically maple syrup, except has fructose, and lots of it. Even more so than HFCS!
Whats bad about fructose? Well, studies have shown that fructose is sweeter, making you gain weight faster by it. Fructose is broken down much faster, and converted to fat.They have shown also that your risk of heart disease and cancer are higher when eating fructose. What about fruit, doesn't it have fructose? Well, yes. But in much smaller amounts and fruit has so many nutrients and vitamins. So, eating fructose in its natural form is fine, its when it is concentrated like in HFCS and in Agave nectar.
So, what should I use? Well, we use Sugar for a lot of things, which is mostly sucrose. For special diets we have xylitol. Which though expensive is one of my favorite and probably the best sweetener substitute. It is 1:1 with sugar which is why it is expensive. It was actually invented so to speak by the Fins in Finland. Right after World War 1 I think. They had a shortage of sugar and found that the sap of birch trees contains high amounts of xylitol, a sugar alcohol. Alcohol, I'll get drunk? No, sugar alcohol means your body absorbs the xylitol like the way it absorbs alcohol, instead of absorbing it like sugar. Xylitol is use in gum in america, but not much else. In Finland and a lot of europe it is much more popular.
The other sweetener I like is stevia. Some people don't like the flavor, but I love it. I put it on cereal and in baking things, but I am just about the only one who eats it. My mom and a lot of people don't like the sorta aftertaste, some what like licoruse. It is much cheaper than sugar though. And the ratio can be as high as 300stevia to 1 sugar! So, buying a small container is like buying 50 pounds of sugar.
I hate aspartame, it makes you fatter, slowing your metabolism. Along with other side affects. I am not totally against Splenda, but don't know as much about it. I would prefer splenda over aspartame.
Any questions that I might be able to answer? : )
English Vintner
I was talking to a friend and he said he heard about one of the big food companies asked this guy to do tests on HFcorn syrup. So he did. Unfortunately the tests were not in their favor, so I think they asked him to come up with one in their favor, since he wouldn't, they fired him and got someone else to do it.
When the big companies put out reports you have to be extremely cautious in believing them. They get the reports from the people they want and have it written the way they want. They have the power and the money. The other side is not working for a big company and so is a lot more likely to contain the truth about things. Though, don't believe one thing you read, but get confirmation from it from other websites. I generally don't take something as being true unless I look it up and get 3 other websites or places to agree with it.
High Fructose Corn Syrup recently put out an article (well, they didn't, but someone high up) that they were changing the name. Because of all the bad conitations it has. Well, hopefully most people are not reading the labels and since it doesn't say HFC syrup, they will buy it, or so they hope. The pressure from the people has made a lot of the big companies come out with HFCS FREE products, ketchup, and lots of other things. I am hoping that now that some companies are changing names, that they will not go back to using HFCS and call it Corn Sugar.
Some companies it is now legal (you gotta find some way under the fence, right!) to call it corn sugar. So, be on the look out for things that have Corn Sugar as some of the companies will be switching.
What is wrong with HFCS? First off, it could have mercury. And mercury poisoning is not good, though I would believe that a LOT of americans have it. Did you know, we are just about the only place that uses it? It is because america grows the corn. Go back to the pilgrims, we were growing the corn the most over other countries. So we use it. Coca Cola in other countries uses sugar, but because HFCS is so cheap they use it here. Some of the ways to make HFCS is altering it using mercury. Not always, but there is no way to tell which ones have mercury and which don't.
The second reason. Fructose. I have become convinced, due to reading, that fructose is not good. Unfortunately a lot of people switch to Agave nectar because it is 'natural'. Well, its not really. It's basically maple syrup, except has fructose, and lots of it. Even more so than HFCS!
Whats bad about fructose? Well, studies have shown that fructose is sweeter, making you gain weight faster by it. Fructose is broken down much faster, and converted to fat.They have shown also that your risk of heart disease and cancer are higher when eating fructose. What about fruit, doesn't it have fructose? Well, yes. But in much smaller amounts and fruit has so many nutrients and vitamins. So, eating fructose in its natural form is fine, its when it is concentrated like in HFCS and in Agave nectar.
So, what should I use? Well, we use Sugar for a lot of things, which is mostly sucrose. For special diets we have xylitol. Which though expensive is one of my favorite and probably the best sweetener substitute. It is 1:1 with sugar which is why it is expensive. It was actually invented so to speak by the Fins in Finland. Right after World War 1 I think. They had a shortage of sugar and found that the sap of birch trees contains high amounts of xylitol, a sugar alcohol. Alcohol, I'll get drunk? No, sugar alcohol means your body absorbs the xylitol like the way it absorbs alcohol, instead of absorbing it like sugar. Xylitol is use in gum in america, but not much else. In Finland and a lot of europe it is much more popular.
The other sweetener I like is stevia. Some people don't like the flavor, but I love it. I put it on cereal and in baking things, but I am just about the only one who eats it. My mom and a lot of people don't like the sorta aftertaste, some what like licoruse. It is much cheaper than sugar though. And the ratio can be as high as 300stevia to 1 sugar! So, buying a small container is like buying 50 pounds of sugar.
I hate aspartame, it makes you fatter, slowing your metabolism. Along with other side affects. I am not totally against Splenda, but don't know as much about it. I would prefer splenda over aspartame.
Any questions that I might be able to answer? : )
English Vintner
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Genetically Engineered?
After reading two articles in God's World that I disagreed with I decided I should try and write my own thoughts about it. I am not the extremist that the article talks about, but neither do I side with them. I have done my own research on how the ancients farmed, and believe me, they did WAY better than modern America or other countries are doing. America NEEDS to change the way they do agriculture, our world needs to change the way they do it. Why? Because of one simple fact. The way we are doing agriculture, WILL result in world wide famine. Yes, thats right, starvation. If we (humans) had kept our farming methods to the way the ancient Irish/Celtics did it, and the way just about any ancient culture did it, we would find the results astonishing!
I was doing some research on ancient ways the Incas did farming I think it was (Inca, Maya, or one of those S. America/C. America peoples). I was reading that about 20 years ago the people farming the same land as they did 1500 years ago were almost to the point of starvation, crop yields were down. Than, a company came in and got them set up using Organic methods of farming. Within the next 7 years they had increased the production by more than double.
They did two test plots. One was conventional modern farming, the other was ancient inca farming. The ancient inca farming had yields more than 7 times that of the conventional gardening.
You see. We think that by coming up with new poisons (we constantly have to be coming up with stronger herbecides, fungicides, insecticides, and such because the plants and insects change and are not affected by the poison any more, becoming stronger than before!) and by providing 3 elements to the soil we can farm. Now, let me state right now, I have a respect for any farmers, because they are underlooked. What I HATE, hate might be rather strong, what I dislike strongly are the people above them, the big guys. But, I'm getting off track slightly.
We think that our farming methods are better than before in history. In fact, we are so obsessed that our methods are better, that we think it IMPOSSIBLE to farm without using some sort of poison.
You, know, its hard to change old habits. But someone did it about 120 years ago, and that is the habit we are in now, why can't we change back to better ways?
We are fallen human beings. And, without Christ, the natural thing for a human to do is do evil, sin. True, we live in a fallen world, but why do you think we need poison to kill the weeds? I'm trying to stay organized here.
People ignorant of better ways, will stick with 'what works'.
Are you aware of the company Monsanto? They created Round Up. When first released they said that it was biodegradable up to 40%. Recent studies show 2%. What, so they lied? Yes. A company that big lies, cheats, and does anything and everything to gain money and power. The community around where the company produces the Round Up and other things are mostly dead. The fact was, they had a stream running through the town that carried out all the deadly chemicals and run off. What? The company now is producing genetically modified organisms, abbreviated to be GMO. They alter the genetics of seeds. Well, isn't that was breeding does?
Well, sort of. The genetically altering of these seeds are hybrids (according to the research I've done, if you have other statements saying something else, please let me know). A hybrid means that the seed, most of it, 75% or so is not going to produce anything, it is, sterile.
So, why use hybrids? Well, I don't mind some hybrids, ones that farmers take two different kinds of soybeans with characteristics and breed them. So, a short soybean with a good producing soybean to get the two in one soybean plant.
However, when you genetically alter the seed, so that it will resist a deadly poison, what happens? Well, for one thing animals won't eat it. You grow a field of GMO corn and you won't have a single crow eat any of the young tender plants. Wait, we want to eat food that animals won't? Also, GMO corn, deer won't eat. What is it about it, how can they tell the difference?
Did you know that in natural disasters you can't find wild animals among the dead? They have some instinct that tells them when something is coming, earthquake, volcano, tsunami.
But, that is not all. So, now we have seed that animals won't eat, ok. Well, if animals don't like it, WE DO! However before we eat it, while it is growing, we will spray the field with a poison that if it touches you, could cause harm. So, we spray the field, not weeds grow, supposedly reducing labor and equipment and millions of dollars. But, that is using the conventional way. If you used the ancient method the cost would be cut by MILLIONS!
What do you think happens to the poison once it is in the field? Well, at some point it gets down either to the water table, wouldn't you like to have a well right next to your nieghbor who has a field of GMO corn and sprays roundup on it? Lovely, poisoned well water...
If it doesn't get to the water table it runs off the land into ditches, and eventually to lakes, rivers, streams, and eventually to the water you drink.
So, one of my biggest things about GMO seeds is that you are spraying round up on the field! Not even so much that they are GMO. But that they have to spray round up on i!
You know, Monsanto, will grow a field of sugar beets (well, not anymore, the Judge in CA just ruled out GMO sugar beets, which is good, except that 90% of US sugar beets are GMO, so sugar prices will rise) and have an organic farmer growing next to him with sugar beets. The pollen from the GMO beets gets into the ORGANIC farmers seed. He saves his seed. Than, Monsanto tests his seed, finds out it has GMO in it and sues the farmer. Usually winning, and putting him out of business. Nice! Put the small farmer out of business.
Is this the kind of company you support and want? A money power hungry company that is out to rule the world? Wait, rule the world? Well, see what you think after you read this next bit.
After the Haiti earthquake Monsanto sends 'for free' 100s of tons of seed. Thats good, right, helping out this 3rd world country? Well, Haiti knew better, they had a march and burned all the seed. Why? Well, a couple reasons.
1. In the past Monsanto has gone to 3rd world country, offered them GMO hybrid seed, for free, the first year. What the farmers don't know is the fine print. In the fine print is that the farmers MUST buy from them EVERY year, new hybrid seeds. And because the seeds are hybrids the farmers cannot save it. And now the farmers are going bankrupt because they are having to buy year after year seed, instead of saving from year to year. In fact, a large amount of sucicide deaths of farmers in India are being linked to GMO seeds. They get into the contract, start using them, and than go into depression.
2. Hybrid seeds. I touched on this some what in the above one. Hybrid seeds cannot be kept from year to year and that, is not sustainable agriculture.
Did you know, some of the seeds Monsanto grows are tomatoes and pepper plants that grow and are so toxic to touch that you have to wear a suit to handle them? Many many links of women who are pregnant working in greenhouse with GMO seeds that have this same herbicide and the babies have birth defects. They have traced it back to this!
So, the way to fix this, world wide famine that will come if we continue the way we are farming, is not by spraying more poison. Did you know that their are now 10 super weeds that are not affected by roundup? That number keeps rising. How soon will it be before we have to find another stronger poison to replace round up?
You see, the way to fix this is to work WITH nature, not against. Paramagnetism, is the way to fix this. Organic agriculture, if you want to call it that. That is, using crop rotation, not using any pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc. There is much MUCH more to soil and crop growth than, NPK. Or Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Pottasium.
English Vintner
I was doing some research on ancient ways the Incas did farming I think it was (Inca, Maya, or one of those S. America/C. America peoples). I was reading that about 20 years ago the people farming the same land as they did 1500 years ago were almost to the point of starvation, crop yields were down. Than, a company came in and got them set up using Organic methods of farming. Within the next 7 years they had increased the production by more than double.
They did two test plots. One was conventional modern farming, the other was ancient inca farming. The ancient inca farming had yields more than 7 times that of the conventional gardening.
You see. We think that by coming up with new poisons (we constantly have to be coming up with stronger herbecides, fungicides, insecticides, and such because the plants and insects change and are not affected by the poison any more, becoming stronger than before!) and by providing 3 elements to the soil we can farm. Now, let me state right now, I have a respect for any farmers, because they are underlooked. What I HATE, hate might be rather strong, what I dislike strongly are the people above them, the big guys. But, I'm getting off track slightly.
We think that our farming methods are better than before in history. In fact, we are so obsessed that our methods are better, that we think it IMPOSSIBLE to farm without using some sort of poison.
You, know, its hard to change old habits. But someone did it about 120 years ago, and that is the habit we are in now, why can't we change back to better ways?
We are fallen human beings. And, without Christ, the natural thing for a human to do is do evil, sin. True, we live in a fallen world, but why do you think we need poison to kill the weeds? I'm trying to stay organized here.
People ignorant of better ways, will stick with 'what works'.
Are you aware of the company Monsanto? They created Round Up. When first released they said that it was biodegradable up to 40%. Recent studies show 2%. What, so they lied? Yes. A company that big lies, cheats, and does anything and everything to gain money and power. The community around where the company produces the Round Up and other things are mostly dead. The fact was, they had a stream running through the town that carried out all the deadly chemicals and run off. What? The company now is producing genetically modified organisms, abbreviated to be GMO. They alter the genetics of seeds. Well, isn't that was breeding does?
Well, sort of. The genetically altering of these seeds are hybrids (according to the research I've done, if you have other statements saying something else, please let me know). A hybrid means that the seed, most of it, 75% or so is not going to produce anything, it is, sterile.
So, why use hybrids? Well, I don't mind some hybrids, ones that farmers take two different kinds of soybeans with characteristics and breed them. So, a short soybean with a good producing soybean to get the two in one soybean plant.
However, when you genetically alter the seed, so that it will resist a deadly poison, what happens? Well, for one thing animals won't eat it. You grow a field of GMO corn and you won't have a single crow eat any of the young tender plants. Wait, we want to eat food that animals won't? Also, GMO corn, deer won't eat. What is it about it, how can they tell the difference?
Did you know that in natural disasters you can't find wild animals among the dead? They have some instinct that tells them when something is coming, earthquake, volcano, tsunami.
But, that is not all. So, now we have seed that animals won't eat, ok. Well, if animals don't like it, WE DO! However before we eat it, while it is growing, we will spray the field with a poison that if it touches you, could cause harm. So, we spray the field, not weeds grow, supposedly reducing labor and equipment and millions of dollars. But, that is using the conventional way. If you used the ancient method the cost would be cut by MILLIONS!
What do you think happens to the poison once it is in the field? Well, at some point it gets down either to the water table, wouldn't you like to have a well right next to your nieghbor who has a field of GMO corn and sprays roundup on it? Lovely, poisoned well water...
If it doesn't get to the water table it runs off the land into ditches, and eventually to lakes, rivers, streams, and eventually to the water you drink.
So, one of my biggest things about GMO seeds is that you are spraying round up on the field! Not even so much that they are GMO. But that they have to spray round up on i!
You know, Monsanto, will grow a field of sugar beets (well, not anymore, the Judge in CA just ruled out GMO sugar beets, which is good, except that 90% of US sugar beets are GMO, so sugar prices will rise) and have an organic farmer growing next to him with sugar beets. The pollen from the GMO beets gets into the ORGANIC farmers seed. He saves his seed. Than, Monsanto tests his seed, finds out it has GMO in it and sues the farmer. Usually winning, and putting him out of business. Nice! Put the small farmer out of business.
Is this the kind of company you support and want? A money power hungry company that is out to rule the world? Wait, rule the world? Well, see what you think after you read this next bit.
After the Haiti earthquake Monsanto sends 'for free' 100s of tons of seed. Thats good, right, helping out this 3rd world country? Well, Haiti knew better, they had a march and burned all the seed. Why? Well, a couple reasons.
1. In the past Monsanto has gone to 3rd world country, offered them GMO hybrid seed, for free, the first year. What the farmers don't know is the fine print. In the fine print is that the farmers MUST buy from them EVERY year, new hybrid seeds. And because the seeds are hybrids the farmers cannot save it. And now the farmers are going bankrupt because they are having to buy year after year seed, instead of saving from year to year. In fact, a large amount of sucicide deaths of farmers in India are being linked to GMO seeds. They get into the contract, start using them, and than go into depression.
2. Hybrid seeds. I touched on this some what in the above one. Hybrid seeds cannot be kept from year to year and that, is not sustainable agriculture.
Did you know, some of the seeds Monsanto grows are tomatoes and pepper plants that grow and are so toxic to touch that you have to wear a suit to handle them? Many many links of women who are pregnant working in greenhouse with GMO seeds that have this same herbicide and the babies have birth defects. They have traced it back to this!
So, the way to fix this, world wide famine that will come if we continue the way we are farming, is not by spraying more poison. Did you know that their are now 10 super weeds that are not affected by roundup? That number keeps rising. How soon will it be before we have to find another stronger poison to replace round up?
You see, the way to fix this is to work WITH nature, not against. Paramagnetism, is the way to fix this. Organic agriculture, if you want to call it that. That is, using crop rotation, not using any pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, etc. There is much MUCH more to soil and crop growth than, NPK. Or Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Pottasium.
English Vintner
Saturday, 18 September 2010
Well well well
Its been a while, I know. But life has been busy. In fact, so busy I've hardly had time for gardening.
If I wasn't working on school the last three weeks I was busy researching. I have recently been introduced to ORMUS, White Powder Gold, Magnetic Water Traps, and Sea Crop, and the like.
Most of that has only been rediscovered in the last 50 years. So the research on it is quite recent. Besides that research I have been looking at a website that has thousands of inventions, mostly the ones that people would not take. They had a whole bunch of cool ones on agriculture. One man has made a machine that will play different tunes to a plant, and he now knows what tunes will make it grow as if it has fertilizer.
IF you are interested in any of this let me know and I can send some links of stuff over. I'd be happy to talk through email about some of the stuff if you want to talk to someone who is interested in the same stuff.
So yeah. Chemistry has been hard, mostly the math part. I enjoy math, if I can understand it. I would not say it is my strongest point, but I can do it better than some. I love science, or else I wouldn't spend hours at a time looking up stuff like the stuff I do, or wanting to know, Why do you put egg in a recipe? Is it to bind the ingredients together, make it rise, or both? So, I have a tendency to want to know why and how things work, get to the bottom. I am not satisfied with just knowing that it works, but want to know why.
I think in a few weeks things will settle down a little bit more than now. I guess the other reason life was so busy was Londa, Jedidiah, I all had fair booths at our County Fair. Agribusiness. I was doing NC viticulture, Londa did Blueberries, and Jedidiah did Cotton. You set up your booth, they are judged (we didn't win any prizes, though most people thought I should have gotten second or third, the judging is just really good. IF the kids who set up the booths could judge and decide on one that was not thier own, I am sure mine would have been in the second or third, everyone loved it) But oh well. So the next week we come in and have to teach 6 classes a day. To classes that are ranging from 20 people if they are public schooled, to 12-15 kids if they are christian schooled. And on the first day homechoolers came. BUt so few came that they made each family a group, or class. So my two homeschooler classes were 2 kids and than 3 kids.
I had christian schools and homeschoolers the first day. I didn't realize that I had christian schoolers. It explained the next day why the teachers on the first day were so much nicer, more interactive, more responsible of the students. I mean, a christian school education is a good jump from public school! But you could tell the homeschoolers. :) With both the classes I picked up the homeschoolers early, and so I had about 20 whole minutes to talk. So I went into much more detail, didn't have to strain my voice. : ) And enjoyed those classes, those classes probably made it worth it. Plus the $85 because I participated in it.
Garden? Well, weeds are high. But, the thing is, the weeds are not high in the raised beds, they are just high in the paths and such and in the strawberry bed. I tell you, digging a deep bed really makes for a pretty much weed free bed. I didn't dig out the strawberry bed, Maybe I'll do that this winter. The creek is drying up. And no rain for the next 2 weeks. I am hoping my garden will make it, with no water. I guess if I get desperate cutting a whole bunch of polkberry stems might help. I could also work on a dew collector... : ) I planted fava beans Wednesday I think it was. I'll let them over winter and hopefully get a nice good spring crop of them.
I am hoping to build a magnetic water trap soon so I can start watering my plants with it, so that they will survive drought and frost. I am also hoping to buy some Sea Crop. Sea Crop is probably the best mineral supplement out their for your garden. From Sea Crop's website you can buy 1 gallon for $59, however you dilute that to 2% to 4%. So it should last a while. I'll leave you now. I'm sorry I am not as organized as most of the time.
Oh, I just bought two books of Amazon! One book by Philip S Callahan Paramagnetism, and Carrots Love TOmatoes. After reading through parts of Carrots love Tomatoes at my Aunts I knew I had to get it. And after reading through parts of Paramagnetics online I knew I had to get it also! So, I am looking forward to the arrival of them.
Here is the link to Sea Crop. If you want to learn more of what it can do click on all the headings on the left and it should show you results of things they have test grown with it, lemons, walnuts, and other veggies.
English Vintner
If I wasn't working on school the last three weeks I was busy researching. I have recently been introduced to ORMUS, White Powder Gold, Magnetic Water Traps, and Sea Crop, and the like.
Most of that has only been rediscovered in the last 50 years. So the research on it is quite recent. Besides that research I have been looking at a website that has thousands of inventions, mostly the ones that people would not take. They had a whole bunch of cool ones on agriculture. One man has made a machine that will play different tunes to a plant, and he now knows what tunes will make it grow as if it has fertilizer.
IF you are interested in any of this let me know and I can send some links of stuff over. I'd be happy to talk through email about some of the stuff if you want to talk to someone who is interested in the same stuff.
So yeah. Chemistry has been hard, mostly the math part. I enjoy math, if I can understand it. I would not say it is my strongest point, but I can do it better than some. I love science, or else I wouldn't spend hours at a time looking up stuff like the stuff I do, or wanting to know, Why do you put egg in a recipe? Is it to bind the ingredients together, make it rise, or both? So, I have a tendency to want to know why and how things work, get to the bottom. I am not satisfied with just knowing that it works, but want to know why.
I think in a few weeks things will settle down a little bit more than now. I guess the other reason life was so busy was Londa, Jedidiah, I all had fair booths at our County Fair. Agribusiness. I was doing NC viticulture, Londa did Blueberries, and Jedidiah did Cotton. You set up your booth, they are judged (we didn't win any prizes, though most people thought I should have gotten second or third, the judging is just really good. IF the kids who set up the booths could judge and decide on one that was not thier own, I am sure mine would have been in the second or third, everyone loved it) But oh well. So the next week we come in and have to teach 6 classes a day. To classes that are ranging from 20 people if they are public schooled, to 12-15 kids if they are christian schooled. And on the first day homechoolers came. BUt so few came that they made each family a group, or class. So my two homeschooler classes were 2 kids and than 3 kids.
I had christian schools and homeschoolers the first day. I didn't realize that I had christian schoolers. It explained the next day why the teachers on the first day were so much nicer, more interactive, more responsible of the students. I mean, a christian school education is a good jump from public school! But you could tell the homeschoolers. :) With both the classes I picked up the homeschoolers early, and so I had about 20 whole minutes to talk. So I went into much more detail, didn't have to strain my voice. : ) And enjoyed those classes, those classes probably made it worth it. Plus the $85 because I participated in it.
Garden? Well, weeds are high. But, the thing is, the weeds are not high in the raised beds, they are just high in the paths and such and in the strawberry bed. I tell you, digging a deep bed really makes for a pretty much weed free bed. I didn't dig out the strawberry bed, Maybe I'll do that this winter. The creek is drying up. And no rain for the next 2 weeks. I am hoping my garden will make it, with no water. I guess if I get desperate cutting a whole bunch of polkberry stems might help. I could also work on a dew collector... : ) I planted fava beans Wednesday I think it was. I'll let them over winter and hopefully get a nice good spring crop of them.
I am hoping to build a magnetic water trap soon so I can start watering my plants with it, so that they will survive drought and frost. I am also hoping to buy some Sea Crop. Sea Crop is probably the best mineral supplement out their for your garden. From Sea Crop's website you can buy 1 gallon for $59, however you dilute that to 2% to 4%. So it should last a while. I'll leave you now. I'm sorry I am not as organized as most of the time.
Oh, I just bought two books of Amazon! One book by Philip S Callahan Paramagnetism, and Carrots Love TOmatoes. After reading through parts of Carrots love Tomatoes at my Aunts I knew I had to get it. And after reading through parts of Paramagnetics online I knew I had to get it also! So, I am looking forward to the arrival of them.
Here is the link to Sea Crop. If you want to learn more of what it can do click on all the headings on the left and it should show you results of things they have test grown with it, lemons, walnuts, and other veggies.
English Vintner
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